Saturday, 10 October 2015

Back to Basics - Brighton

Hidden behind the facade of the over-shining amusements set up along the seafront of Brighton's shore is it's (in my most biased of opinions) most admirable features.

Despite the bright lights of the Pier being a classic tourist attraction, making all of those treacherous family holidays that bit more amusing when you're losing track of your pennies in the two pence machines (the sound effects accompanying each coin still rings in my ears), it seems that we are potentially losing what makes Brighton, Brighton- instead unashamedly swarming the place like a moth to a flame.

Taking a few steps back from our comfort zone and wandering a little further into the backstreets of beautiful Brighton allowed us to stumble upon some of the most delightful of terraces and independently run stores. 

When looking beyond the many, many... many chains of coffee shops- and believe me you have to look hard- you are able to come across some beautifully run stores, all cared for like a mother nurturing her child.  The main thing that struck me about visiting the more smaller of businesses was the genuinety of the owners- who seemed to be much more conversational than the almost painfully heard "Hi, can I help you?" (I'm just looking thanks!!!1!!1!!1!!).

Speaking more specifically, whilst we mooched around a selection of independently owned clothing and art stalls, we were enticed by the quirky designs and colours- PASTELS- of "Geek la Chic".

(Chelsea is smitten with her new jumper.)

Despite our easily distracted brains, we managed to get to talking to the lovely young lady named Amy who is currently running the business, and to be completely honest it was a nice change to be able to have an easy-going chat about the brand and upcoming comic con (hella excited by the way.) rather than forced small talk which you'd often find in multi-branch shops. Which just made it clear to us the importance of keeping these businesses going in order to keep the fire of Brighton from burning out.

Because whilst the hustle and bustle of lining up to get your large (or was it Venti?) frappucino is all the more exciting and gives us all a taste of adulthood, why not try sitting back in a café like Artisan for a while- offering tea, tranquility and tremendously free wifi.

Who knows what else you'll find there.

(Bonus: Sambo was superb)

- E&C

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